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petra vollrath

Kundalini Vibrations
Lu Jong
Chair yoga

I love life, nature, animals, good food, my friends and being active. Exercise has always been very important to me. When I was young, I learned to observe my body and express it through dancing. At some point I tried yoga.

It was a pleasant change, but I only practiced sporadically. It was only on my long trip through South America a few years ago that I caught the yoga bug. Back in Switzerland and back in my hectic job, I was looking for a balance that would allow me to become more aware of my body again.


I accompanied a friend to a Kundalini Yoga class and had no idea what I was getting myself into. This class was so different, I couldn't really put my finger on it, just special and very precious to me. I was deeply relaxed and at the same time full of energy. Since then, Kundalini Yoga, but also yoga in general, has been an integral part of my life.

Yoga helps me to breathe more consciously, to feel more flexible and vital, to release tension and to find my inner and outer balance.

I am always impressed by what yoga releases in me and how yoga, away from the mat, allows its effects to flow into my daily life.

This precious tool, being able to pass on my passion, fills me with great joy and gratitude. My classes are suitable for every level and for all physical requirements. The participants should feel comfortable, enter their own space, become more aware of their body and their thoughts through yoga practice and find a mindful way of dealing with them.

my yoga path

500h Kundalini Yoga TT

at Imagine Academy Zurich (European Yoga Alliance certified) –

Yoga Alliance Teacher Training | Imagine Academy


Yoga 50+ (on the chair)

with Willem Wittstam (3HO Germany)

yoga50plus – Willem Wittstamm


qualified chakra therapist

with Jean-Pierre Crittin

60h Kundalini Awakening

with Gloria Latham

RYS 200 Yoga Alliance


Lu Jong – in training

at Lharampa Tenzin Kalden

Mahakasha Zumikon

Kundadance – in training

with Maya Fiennes

Maya Fiennes - Kundalini Yoga, Meditation

and Mindfulness tips

Various workshops at home and abroad


classes with petra


your subscription to petra

Choose the right subscription for you:

  • ProbeAbo · 3 Lektionen

    3 Lektionen nach Wunsch
    Valid for one month
    • (nach Ablauf nicht verlängerbar)
  • 10er Abo · 60 Min.

    10 x 60 Minuten
    Valid for 4 months
    • + 11. Lektion gratis
  • everyone included · 60 Min.

    10 x 60 Minuten
    Valid for 4 months
    • + 11. Lektion gratis
    • Für Schüler, Lehrlinge, Studenten,
    • AHV-/IV-Bezügler, Arbeitslose,
    • Alleinerziehende & Geringverdiener.
    • Gegen Vorweisen des Ausweises beim ersten Besuch vor Ort.
  • 10er Abo · 90 Min.

    10 x 90 Minuten
    Valid for 4 months
    • + 11. Lektion gratis
  • everyone included · 90 Min.

    10 x 90 Minuten
    Valid for 4 months
    • + 11. Lektion gratis
    • Für Schüler, Lehrlinge, Studenten,
    • AHV-/IV-Bezügler, Arbeitslose,
    • Alleinerziehende & Geringverdiener.
    • Gegen Vorweisen des Ausweises beim ersten Besuch vor Ort.
  • StudioAbo

    10 Lektionen nach Wahl
    Valid for 4 months
    • einlösbar in allen Klassen bei allen Teachers
    • + 11. Mal gratis
  • HalbjahresAbo

    Valid for 6 months
    • unbegrenzte Anzahl von Lektionen
    • unbegrenzte Anzahl von Klassen
  • JahresAbo

    Valid for 12 months
    • unbegrenzte Anzahl von Lektionen
    • unbegrenzte Anzahl von Klassen

In the event of illness, accident or pregnancy, subscriptions can be extended for the duration of the absence upon presentation of a doctor's certificate.

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