mihaela iannone

My name is Mihaela Iannone, I was born on October 28th, 1986. Sport has always played an important role in my life. Even as a child I had the opportunity to practice various sports, and over the years I realized that exercise is much more than just an activity for me - it has become an integral part of my lifestyle.
“We are not what we knew but what we are willing to learn” - Mary Catherine Bateson
I discovered the Pilates method when I was looking for a sport that would meet all my needs. I wanted to improve and sustainably strengthen my posture, flexibility and body awareness. My passion for Pilates gave rise to the desire to create a class where everyone feels welcome - a space where I can pass on the feeling of well-being to others.

classes with Mihaela
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55 min
30 Swiss francs

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380CHF10 Lektionen nach WahlValid for 4 months- einlösbar in allen Klassen bei allen Teachers
- + 11. Mal gratis
In the event of illness, accident or pregnancy, subscriptions can be extended for the duration of the absence upon presentation of a doctor's certificate.