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Noon Yin Yoga · 90 min

mit Erica Danneskiold-Samsöe (Klasse in englischer Sprache)

1 Std
30 Schweizer Franken


Yin Yoga with Erica - I welcome you to a peaceful, meditative noon Yin Yoga class. Where you can focus inward, giving space to tune into your mind and body. I guid in both German and English. The class consists of a series of deep long-held floor postures that are held for a substantial period of time (2–4 mins). Through the postures we seek to stretch, stimulate and create fluidity in the deep connective tissues in our bodies. All postures have modifications it means that this class is suited for all levels and ages. Since the postures are mostly floor-based, please bring warmer clothes and socks. Benefits of Yin Yoga: Improved Joint Mobility: Regular practice of Yin Yoga helps maintain and improve joint mobility. The long-held postures target the connective tissues around the joints, promoting better range of motion and reducing stiffness. In Eastern traditions, Yin is a compliment to Yang. Yin Yoga compliments a more dynamic yoga practice because it can add new qualities. Softening, letting go, backing off and allowing the breath to still the mind are all gifts of a Yin yoga practice. Time, as duration, is an important aspect of the practice, allowing your body release to gravity and be carried through by the slowing breath. Namaste.

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